Friday 6 May 2011

Entry 3

30. After taking my Model and Texture files into uni, the Texture files got corrupted so i made an effort to recover them. Unfortunatley and frustratingley i didnt get it back to what it use to be, so its a poor version of the previous version shown in the blog.

31. After fixing i managed to make a normal map and a specular map for the model.
32. After doing this i made the collisions for the model in maya.
33. After this i then imported the model into UDK.

34. Added a fog effect and a light, my model was set up in UDK.

35. Beauty shots.

Imperial ATAT Walker By Jacob Morrell
Tris: 9355
Maps: Specular, Diffuse & Normal
Software Used: Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk Maya, Unreal Development Kit.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Entry 2

1. Work starts on the main body section of the walker.

2. More of a shape starts to appear as more work goes into the body.

3. With half of the body done, i move on to another section of the walker, leaving that to be mirrored later on.

4. Here i begin to build the cylindrical engine from underneath the body. The main body is mirrored now.

5. The frontal part of the engine starts to take shape.

6. Building up the frontal engine some more.

7. Frontal engine is finished, work begins on the rear engine.

8. Both engine sections finished i moved on to a piece on the rear of the vehicle. Being only small it didn't take too long.

9. Here i built the axles that are attached to the legs and engines of the walker. I made one and duplicated the rest.

10. Work beings on the walker's legs.

11. Continued work on the legs.

12. Straightened up what i had done to the leg already so there was nothing wrong with it, no matter where i positioned it afterwards.

13. Finishing the legs off i duplicate them to go with the other 3 axles.

14. Finding myself running out of tri's and poor modelling on the torso meant i went back a few steps to reduce the tri count and neaten up the modelling.

15. Reducing the tri's on the legs.

16. Again fixing the legs.

17. The result after fixing up the body and legs. I also managed to get on with the main body of the head section.

18. Working on the main chin guns for the walker's head.

19. Working on the Anti-Air turrets mounted on the side of the walkers head.

20. Model complete, moving onto the diorama and UV'ing.

21. Added a small plane and repositioned the legs and head to give a bit of presence.

22. UV'ing begins on torso.

23. How the UV's look so far.

24. Pulled on of the legs away to do the UV's for that one, then duplicate the UV'ed leg back into the places of the others. Saving time.

25. Duplicated UV'ed legs.

26. Fully UV'd model. (Checkers look funny on the head because Maya messed up the UV's transferring between versions at Uni and Home. Annoying.)

27. Model and diorama with a base texture.

28. Base UV map for the walker model.

29. Diorama UV map.

More to come next post.

Computer Games Modelling - Assignment 2, Entry 1

Here is the start of my blog for Assignment 2 of the Computer Games Modelling module. For this assignment i will be modelling a game asset of my choice that will be presented in a diorama.
I have chosen to model the AT-AT walker from the Star Wars movie franchise.

Friday 25 February 2011

Entry 9 - Final Entry

The final render of my Chainaxe model.
Tris: 1486.

Entry 8

In this entry i will show all the textures, references and maps i used to create my asset.

Ambient Occlusion map

Texture map

Specular Map

Normal Map

My reference image for the Chainaxe. Taken from the Chaos Space Marine codex, by Games Workshop

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Entry 7

In this i started using a base checker texture to see whether my UV's distorted anywhere or not. Other than that i changed the teeth on the axe to be pointed and look more lethal.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Entry 6

In this image you can see that there is a character model in the scene. The purpose for this is to help me measure scale, in a recent lesson i was informed that UDK operates in meter scales. So i changed the grid metrics to meters and scaled my chainaxe model, to look to fit the character model.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Entry 5

At this stage i believed that i had finished modelling the chainaxe, and started thinking about moving onto UV'ing.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Entry 4

In this image you see the first 3D image of my axe head. I finished off modelling the teeth, and will start on the handle when i next get around to it.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Entry 3

At this stage i had completed the main head model of the axe, and moved onto the handle and the axe teeth. I didn't follow the reference image exactly with the teeth, i that larger teeth but in fewer numbers would look more intimidating.